Using the Mustang interfaces

Set up

For a Factur-X/ZUGFeRD invoice you will have to provide PDF/A. You could also provide custom XML.
But the advantage of generated XML from java application logic is that it is more sustainable:
you can switch between different, code that uses
the invoice class and interfaces does not need to be changed no matter if you want to export
for XRechnung, ZUGFeRD 1 or 2/Factur-X, most likely also not for future versions and probably with few if any changes if e.g. UBL
would be added later. On the downside, please make sure the calculations you do for the PDF matches those Mustang does for the XML.

So you can generate the XML, using the invoice class is often the easiest.
The invoice class, however, is based on the interface itself,
and if you have already classes doing other application logic and persistence
you might as well just implement the Mustang interfaces.

Getting started

To get started, you will need to implement a IExportableTransaction, which will require you to specify a
invoice recipient (as IZUGFeRDExportableTradeParty) and invoice lines, i.e. items, as IZUGFeRDExportableItem.

In your main method you will need something like

package org.example; 

import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.IZUGFeRDExporter;
import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.ZUGFeRDExporterFromPDFA;


public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Writing invoice...");

        YourInvoice yi=new YourInvoice();
        try {
            IZUGFeRDExporter ze = new ZUGFeRDExporterFromPDFA().load("MustangGnuaccountingBeispielRE-20190610_507blanko.pdf").setProducer("My Application").setCreator(System.getProperty(""));
            System.out.println("Invoice written.");
        } catch (IOException e) {


The class is called YourInvoice in this example to avoid confusion with the Mustang invoice class.
This code requires a PDF/A-1 file MustangGnuaccountingBeispielRE-20190610_507blanko.pdf
in your project root.

A first version of YourInvoice could look like

package org.example;

import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.*;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

public class YourInvoice implements IExportableTransaction {

    protected class YourItem implements IZUGFeRDExportableItem {
        private BigDecimal price, quantity;
        private IZUGFeRDExportableProduct product;

        public YourItem( IZUGFeRDExportableProduct product, BigDecimal price, BigDecimal quantity) {
            this.price = price;
            this.quantity = quantity;
            this.product = product;

        public BigDecimal getPrice() {
            return price;

        public BigDecimal getQuantity() {
            return quantity;

        public IZUGFeRDExportableProduct getProduct() {
            return product;

        public IZUGFeRDAllowanceCharge[] getItemAllowances() {
            return null;

        public IZUGFeRDAllowanceCharge[] getItemCharges() {
            return null;

    protected class YourProduct implements IZUGFeRDExportableProduct {
        private String description, name, unit;
        private BigDecimal VATPercent;

        public YourProduct(String description, String name, String unit, BigDecimal VATPercent) {
            this.description = description;
   = name;
            this.unit = unit;
            this.VATPercent = VATPercent;

        public String getDescription() {
            return description;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public String getUnit() {
            return unit;

        public BigDecimal getVATPercent() {
            return VATPercent;

    protected class YourTradeParty implements IZUGFeRDExportableTradeParty {

        protected String country, location, name, street, VATID, ZIP;
        protected IZUGFeRDExportableContact senderContact=null;

        public YourTradeParty( String name, String street,String ZIP,String location,String country) {
   = country;
            this.location = location;
   = name;
            this.street = street;
            this.ZIP = ZIP;

        public String getCountry() {
            return country;

        public String getLocation() {
            return location;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public String getStreet() {
            return street;

        public YourTradeParty setVATID(String id) {
            return this;

        public String getVATID() {
            return VATID;

        public String getZIP() {
            return ZIP;

        public YourTradeParty setContact(IZUGFeRDExportableContact senderContact) {
            return this;
        public IZUGFeRDExportableContact getContact() {
            return senderContact;

    public Date getDeliveryDate() {
        return new GregorianCalendar(2019, Calendar.JUNE, 10).getTime();

    public Date getDueDate() {
        return new GregorianCalendar(2019, Calendar.JULY, 1).getTime();

    public Date getIssueDate() {
        return new GregorianCalendar(2019, Calendar.JUNE, 10).getTime();

    public String getNumber() {
        return "RE-20190610/507";

    public IZUGFeRDExportableTradeParty getRecipient() {
        return new YourTradeParty("Theodor Est", "Bahnstr. 42", "88802","Spielkreis",  "DE").setVATID("DE0815");


    public IZUGFeRDExportableTradeParty getSender() {
        return new YourTradeParty("Bei Spiel GmbH", "Ecke 12","12345", "Stadthausen",  "DE").setVATID("DE4711");

    public IZUGFeRDExportableItem[] getZFItems() {
        YourItem[] allItems = new YourItem[3];
        YourProduct designProduct = new YourProduct("", "Design (hours): Of a sample invoice", "HUR",
                new BigDecimal("7.000000"));
        YourProduct balloonProduct = new YourProduct("", "Ballons: various colors, ~2000ml", "C62", new BigDecimal("19.000000"));
        YourProduct airProduct = new YourProduct("", "Hot air „heiße Luft“ (litres)", "LTR", new BigDecimal("19.000000"));

        allItems[0] = new YourItem(designProduct, new BigDecimal("160"), new BigDecimal("1") );
        allItems[1] = new YourItem(balloonProduct, new BigDecimal("0.79"), new BigDecimal("400"));
        allItems[2] = new YourItem(airProduct, new BigDecimal("0.025"), new BigDecimal("800"));
        return allItems;

    public String getCurrency() {
        return "EUR";

Further custom classes

Your contact and tradeparty class consist of much more properties, this is just a illustrative and minimalistic
example what needed to be added where.

In case you wanted to use the interface also on those classes
remove the imports of org.mustangproject.Item, org.mustangproject.Product and org.mustangproject.TradeParty

The relevant parts of YourItem could look like this (any very much like Mustang’s item).

    protected class YourItem implements IZUGFeRDExportableItem {
        private BigDecimal price, quantity;
        private IZUGFeRDExportableProduct product;

        public YourItem( IZUGFeRDExportableProduct product, BigDecimal price, BigDecimal quantity) {
            this.price = price;
            this.quantity = quantity;
            this.product = product;

        public BigDecimal getPrice() {
            return price;

        public BigDecimal getQuantity() {
            return quantity;

        public IZUGFeRDExportableProduct getProduct() {
            return product;

        public IZUGFeRDAllowanceCharge[] getItemAllowances() {
            return null;

        public IZUGFeRDAllowanceCharge[] getItemCharges() {
            return null;


and a product consists of
description, name, unit code and VAT percentage

    protected class YourProduct implements IZUGFeRDExportableProduct {
        private String description, name, unit;
        private BigDecimal VATPercent;

        public YourProduct(String description, String name, String unit, BigDecimal VATPercent) {
            this.description = description;
   = name;
            this.unit = unit;
            this.VATPercent = VATPercent;

        public String getDescription() {
            return description;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public String getUnit() {
            return unit;

        public BigDecimal getVATPercent() {
            return VATPercent;


a company(=tradeparty) consists of name, city (location), postcode, street address, VAT ID and country code,

	    protected class YourTradeParty implements IZUGFeRDExportableTradeParty {

        protected String country, location, name, street, VATID, ZIP;
        protected IZUGFeRDExportableContact senderContact=null;

        public YourTradeParty( String name, String street,String ZIP,String location,String country) {
   = country;
            this.location = location;
   = name;
            this.street = street;
            this.ZIP = ZIP;

        public String getCountry() {
            return country;

        public String getLocation() {
            return location;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public String getStreet() {
            return street;

        public YourTradeParty setVATID(String id) {
			return this;

        public String getVATID() {
            return VATID;

        public String getZIP() {
            return ZIP;
        public YourTradeParty setContact(IZUGFeRDExportableContact senderContact) {
            return this;
        public IZUGFeRDExportableContact getContact() {
            return senderContact;


This should already give you a valid invoice.

Adding even further details

You can confirm that the calculations done by Mustang (which should be in line with EN16931)
match the ones you put in your PDF/A e.g. by checking with the TransactionCalculator in your Main:

import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.TransactionCalculator;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
		// added
            TransactionCalculator ti = new TransactionCalculator(yi);
            if (!ti.getGrandTotal().equals(new BigDecimal("571.04"))) {
              throw new RuntimeException("Calculation mismatch");
		// continued

Again, this is just an example, of couse you would put your amount in 571.04,
and most likely you would not want a RuntimeException.

If you want to specify your bank account, which works by providing IZUGFeRDTradeSettlementPayments (IBAN, BIC and a PaymentInfoText)
in the getTradeSettlement of the IExportableTransaction, i.e. by adding

	protected class Payment implements IZUGFeRDTradeSettlementPayment {

        public String getOwnBIC() {
            return "COBADEFFXXX";

        public String getOwnPaymentInfoText() {
            return "Überweisung";

        public String getOwnIBAN() {
            return "DE88 2008 0000 0970 3757 00";

//... and then back in YourInvoice
    public IZUGFeRDTradeSettlement[] getTradeSettlement() {
        Payment[] payments = new Payment[1];
        payments[0] = new Payment();
        return payments;

If you want a XRechnung you also need the Leitweg-ID in

    public String getReferenceNumber() {
        return "leitweg-id";

and your Sender TradeParty is supposed to return a IZUGFeRDExportableContact contact with name phone and email like

	protected class SenderContact implements IZUGFeRDExportableContact {

		public String getName() {
			return "Ingmar N. Fo";

		public String getPhone() {
			return "++49(0)237823";

		public String getEMail() {
			return "info@localhost.local";


added to the TradeParty by changing

	 public IZUGFeRDExportableTradeParty getSender() {
	         return new YourTradeParty("Bei Spiel GmbH", "Ecke 12","12345", "Stadthausen",  "DE").setVATID("DE4711").setContact(new SenderContact());

In the Main class you can additionally call ze.setProfile like in the second line of the following listing to get a amended guideline ID (the parts after the hash are optional anyway).

import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.Profiles;
         IZUGFeRDExporter ze = new ZUGFeRDExporterFromPDFA().load("MustangGnuaccountingBeispielRE-20190610_507blanko.pdf").setProducer("My Application").setCreator(System.getProperty(""));

The complete example now looks like this: build.gradle

plugins {
    id 'java'

group = 'org.example'
version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

repositories {

dependencies {
    testImplementation platform('org.junit:junit-bom:5.9.1')
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter'
    implementation group: 'org.mustangproject', name: 'validator', version: '2.9.0'

test {


package org.example;

import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.IZUGFeRDExporter;
import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.Profiles;
import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.ZUGFeRDExporterFromPDFA;

import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.TransactionCalculator;
import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Writing invoice...");

        YourInvoice yi=new YourInvoice();
        try {
            IZUGFeRDExporter ze = new ZUGFeRDExporterFromPDFA().load("MustangGnuaccountingBeispielRE-20190610_507blanko.pdf").setProducer("My Application").setCreator(System.getProperty(""));
            TransactionCalculator ti = new TransactionCalculator(yi);
            if (!ti.getGrandTotal().equals(new BigDecimal("571.04"))) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Calculation mismatch");
            System.out.println("Invoice written.");
        } catch (IOException e) {


and src/main/java/org/example/

package org.example;

import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.*;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

public class YourInvoice implements IExportableTransaction {
    protected class Payment implements IZUGFeRDTradeSettlementPayment {

        public String getOwnBIC() {
            return "COBADEFFXXX";

        public String getOwnPaymentInfoText() {
            return "Überweisung";

        public String getOwnIBAN() {
            return "DE88 2008 0000 0970 3757 00";

    protected class YourItem implements IZUGFeRDExportableItem {
        private BigDecimal price, quantity;
        private IZUGFeRDExportableProduct product;

        public YourItem( IZUGFeRDExportableProduct product, BigDecimal price, BigDecimal quantity) {
            this.price = price;
            this.quantity = quantity;
            this.product = product;

        public BigDecimal getPrice() {
            return price;

        public BigDecimal getQuantity() {
            return quantity;

        public IZUGFeRDExportableProduct getProduct() {
            return product;

        public IZUGFeRDAllowanceCharge[] getItemAllowances() {
            return null;

        public IZUGFeRDAllowanceCharge[] getItemCharges() {
            return null;

    protected class YourProduct implements IZUGFeRDExportableProduct {
        private String description, name, unit;
        private BigDecimal VATPercent;

        public YourProduct(String description, String name, String unit, BigDecimal VATPercent) {
            this.description = description;
   = name;
            this.unit = unit;
            this.VATPercent = VATPercent;

        public String getDescription() {
            return description;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public String getUnit() {
            return unit;

        public BigDecimal getVATPercent() {
            return VATPercent;

    protected class YourTradeParty implements IZUGFeRDExportableTradeParty {

        protected String country, location, name, street, VATID, ZIP;
        protected IZUGFeRDExportableContact senderContact=null;

        public YourTradeParty( String name, String street,String ZIP,String location,String country) {
   = country;
            this.location = location;
   = name;
            this.street = street;
            this.ZIP = ZIP;

        public String getCountry() {
            return country;

        public String getLocation() {
            return location;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public String getStreet() {
            return street;

        public YourTradeParty setVATID(String id) {
            return this;

        public String getVATID() {
            return VATID;

        public String getZIP() {
            return ZIP;

        public YourTradeParty setContact(IZUGFeRDExportableContact senderContact) {
            return this;
        public IZUGFeRDExportableContact getContact() {
            return senderContact;


    protected class SenderContact implements IZUGFeRDExportableContact {

        public String getName() {
            return "Ingmar N. Fo";

        public String getPhone() {
            return "++49(0)237823";

        public String getEMail() {
            return "info@localhost.local";


    // YourInvoice continued
    public IZUGFeRDTradeSettlement[] getTradeSettlement() {
        Payment[] payments = new Payment[1];
        payments[0] = new Payment();
        return payments;

    public String getReferenceNumber() {
        return "leitweg-id";
    public Date getDeliveryDate() {
        return new GregorianCalendar(2019, Calendar.JUNE, 10).getTime();

    public Date getDueDate() {
        return new GregorianCalendar(2019, Calendar.JULY, 1).getTime();

    public Date getIssueDate() {
        return new GregorianCalendar(2019, Calendar.JUNE, 10).getTime();

    public String getNumber() {
        return "RE-20190610/507";

    public IZUGFeRDExportableTradeParty getRecipient() {
        return new YourTradeParty("Theodor Est", "Bahnstr. 42", "88802","Spielkreis",  "DE").setVATID("DE0815");


    public IZUGFeRDExportableTradeParty getSender() {
        return new YourTradeParty("Bei Spiel GmbH", "Ecke 12","12345", "Stadthausen",  "DE").setVATID("DE4711").setContact(new SenderContact());

    public IZUGFeRDExportableItem[] getZFItems() {
        YourItem[] allItems = new YourItem[3];
        YourProduct designProduct = new YourProduct("", "Design (hours): Of a sample invoice", "HUR",
                new BigDecimal("7.000000"));
        YourProduct balloonProduct = new YourProduct("", "Ballons: various colors, ~2000ml", "C62", new BigDecimal("19.000000"));
        YourProduct airProduct = new YourProduct("", "Hot air „heiße Luft“ (litres)", "LTR", new BigDecimal("19.000000"));

        allItems[0] = new YourItem(designProduct, new BigDecimal("160"), new BigDecimal("1") );
        allItems[1] = new YourItem(balloonProduct, new BigDecimal("0.79"), new BigDecimal("400"));
        allItems[2] = new YourItem(airProduct, new BigDecimal("0.025"), new BigDecimal("800"));
        return allItems;

    public String getCurrency() {
        return "EUR";


We recommend using the invoice class for parsing , which also supports UBL input, but if that is no option there is a simplified ZUGFeRD reader:

import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.ZUGFeRDImporter;
ZUGFeRDImporter zi=new ZUGFeRDImporter("factur-x.pdf");
System.out.println(zi.getAmount());//Returns DuePayableAmount, or, if not present, GrandTotalAmount

Upgrade Mustang 1.x to 2.x

This paragraph covers the update from Mustang 1 to 2, please note that in org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.XMLUpgrader there is also a (highly experimental) XML upgrade from ZUGFeRD 1 to 2.

Since there was no invoice class before, the only code that may need upgrades from Mustang 1.x is the interface class:

What Old value New value
Repository… remove (maven central)
Group id org.mustangproject.zugferd org.mustangproject
Artifact id mustang library
Version 1.7.8 2.1.1

If you want you can also embed the validator in your software using validator
as artifact ID. “validator” includes the library functionality but is >20 MB
bigger due to it’s dependencies. ZF2 was possible with Mustang 1 but it is default in Mustang 2, so
you will need to


if you don’t want ZUGFeRD 2 files.

In the commandline, all actions will have to be invoked via –action=<theaction>, so
–combine changes to –action=combine.</theaction>


is now calle


and instead of a




will now return a
a class implementing


instead of a


Instead of


we now talk of



ZUGFeRDExporter ze = new ZUGFeRDExporterFromA1Factory().setZUGFeRDConformanceLevel(ZUGFeRDConformanceLevel.COMFORT).load(SOURCE_PDF)) {
IZUGFeRDExporter ze = new ZUGFeRDExporterFromA1().setZUGFeRDVersion(1).setProfile(Profiles.getByName("EN16931")).load(SOURCE_PDF)) {

Instead of




If you want to use Profiles from older versions, please specify the version like

Profiles.getByName("Extended", 1)

for an Extended profile of ZF1.


has been replaced with


The old Contact class has been corrected to TradeParty. The TradeParty class
can now refer to a (human) Contact from the new Contact() class.