Mustangserver 1.3.1

Mustangserver 1.3.1

On July 23rd we released Mustangserver 1.3.1 with a improved documentation and better “Phive”-validation, i.e. Phive now also validates XRechnung 3.0.2 and FatturaPA, the number of supported format/version combinations (“VES-IDs”) has increated from 144 to 173.

Of course Mustangproject has been upgraded to 2.12 in the background, some smaller features were added and PDF/A-3 has now, additionally to PDF/A-1, become acceptable input.

Mustangserver 1.3.1 can be specifically selected and will become default for operations without specified versions at the next planned maintenance on 28 September. On the subsequent planned maintenance some three month later the pre-predecessor, Mustangserver 1.2.0, will likely be phased out.