Today, 23rd of January 2023, we published the first manual for Mustangserver 0.7.0, including “How can I register”, a PHP sample client and chapters e.g. on Postman and JMeter.
Author: admin
Mustang 2.6.0 “Joyeux Noël”
Mustang 2.6.0 “Joyeux Noël”, released December 23rd, 2022, supports trade parties without neccesarily providing a postal address, as allowed e.g. in France. It also improves the “Minimum” profile (also popular in France) by e.g. automatically hiding invoice lines, applicabletradetax, linetotalamount, paymentreference etc. if active. Due date and delivery dates are also no longer mandatory for credit notes. An issue in the deployment has been fixed (#297), Svante provided the hope of server based tests and weclapp-dev thankfully contributed the fix to another null pointer exception. Together with the fact that attempts to use the minimum profile would previously usually also be accompanied by nullpointers, one could almost say that this version comes with 20% less nullpointer exceptions 🙂
Merry Christmas, or better Joyeux Noël to all of you and your families.
Mustangserver 0.7.0
On Montag, November 28th the oAuth-functionality in Mustangserver, announced for November, was published.
Affected are Docker and Inhouse installations only, ordinary access already previously
used oAuth on the API management.
New beta users, however, benefit from the self-registration introduced on November 19th.
Previously new users subscribed to the mailing list and subsequently received username and initial password, now they can sign up directly (by following this link and clicking “Create Account” on the bottom left) at the Mustangserver API Management, receive a confirmation link by E-Mail, can immediately login and are added to the mailing list later.
Mustang 2.5.7
Mustangproject version 2.5.7, released November 7th, 2022, works again in Java 1.8 and improves the validator (EN16931 checks are now also run on “Basic” profile) as well as the importer: ZF1 invoices can now be imported in the invoiceimporter and some getters were added to the ordinary importer.
Mustangserver 0.6.0
Saturday, October 8th, we published the new functionality announced for October in a new endpoint, “PDF”, to create PDF/A-1 files from any input PDF provided. These can be plain PDFs, or even PDF/A-1 or PDF/A-3 files.
This re-renders the vector graphics in the PDF so it should actually work from any input PDF. Rumours have it that there can only be issues with class-1 fonts: Feel free to send me samples. A good validator to check the output is e.g. VeraPDF.
Of course all pages will be converted but embedded files will be stripped, so if you want to update the XML structure of an existing Factur-X PDF you can pass that in and afterwards perform another combine operation.
First subscription
Please note that despite we’re still in beta this is not a reason not to subscribe for the commercial support (500 Eur/year), actually we were able to welcome our first customer last week. We’ll shortly go live with details and a dedicated page to subscribe for commercial support. Please note that at the end of the beta, only users with commercial support will be provided access to the live system.
Mustangserver 0.5.0, Quba 1.2.0
Version 1.2.0 of the free e-invoice-viewer Quba, published today, September 26th, 2022, continues to work offline, but can now also connect to Mustang Server, to validate invoices, confirming their syntactical and mathematical correctness.
The September release “Version 0.5” of Mustang Server was already published on Saturday, September 24th. Additionally to it’s own validator, it adds support for the Open-Source PHIVE validation engine, useful e.g. for UBL and Peppol invoices. As regards future planning, a PDF to PDF/A conversion feature is expected in October and a native integration of OAuth2 (currently available via it’s API Management) is expected for November.
Mustang 2.5.6
Mustangproject version 2.5.6, released today, September 22nd 2022, adds some Javadoc documentation and removes a unneccessary dependency.
Mustang 2.5.5
Mustangproject 2.5.5, published on 2022-09-19, updates a library necessary for the validation of electronic invoices (ph-schematron).
Mustang 2.5.4
Mustang 2.5.4, published on 2022-09-01 allows to simultaneously specify IDs and global IDs and improves the Invoiceimporter.
Mustang 2.5.3
Mustang 2.5.3, released 2022-08-15, allows to specify global IDs like GTIN or GLN for both products and tradeparties.