Today, Monday, December 30th we released a new version of our E-Invoice-Rest-API Mustangserver which supports conversion to and from CII, UBL and FatturaPA based on a open source project called EeISI. Additionally, it now also supports writing embedded files. As usual, Mustangserver 1.6.0 is not yet the default version for all requests but can be specifically selected.
Author: admin
Mustangproject version 2.15.2 was published today, December 19th, 2024, and brought minor improvements in the fields of
- #618 import BT-20
- correctly import additional referenced documents into invoice/corrected setting of attachments from jackson
- corrected parseException structure
- allow 1p0 as potential xmp version number
- correcly write charge reason codes also for non-Xrechnung #617
- #599 add tax category code for free export
- #600 Fixes a problem where a stream was not safely closed
As usual it can e.g. be downloaded on the commandline page.
Chat under the christmas tree
In order to mutually ask and answer questions Jochen suggests to just meet at the #facturx room the next three Thursdays (19.12., 26.12. and 02.01.) between 16:00 and 17:00 CET.
This chat “room” already exists and is open 24h/day at and you can already ask questions now. Matrix may require an account but you can use whatever client you want and of course it is for free and you dont need additional credentials to join the public #facturx room.
Of course you are free to ask anybody any question (e.g. RE Quba, Factur-X, XRechnung, B2B e-invocing) at any time but if you are totally new to the topic it would be appreciated if you previously had a chance to familiarize with the topic by e.g. having a look at and/or try the (german domestic B2B) samples at .
So see you there, if you like 🙂
Mustangproject version 2.15.1, released December 7th, 2024, now also reads lineId and IncludedNotes on item- as well as InvoiceReferencedDocument and IncludedNotes, lineTotalAmount, TaxBasisAmount, duePayableAmount and prepaidamount on document level as well as classes like DirectDebit from both CII and UBL to/from JSON.
Error IDs are now logged in validation, fatal errors may no longer appear as warnings (#595) and various possible exceptions in the “metrics” action have been solved.
Mustangserver 1.5.1
On Saturday, November 30th we released a new Mustangserver version which, simply put, supports more fields when reading and writing, incuding e.g. IncludedNotes. The difference between reading CII and UBL has been practically eradicated and e.g. prepaidamount is now supported. As usual, Mustangserver 1.5.1 is not yet the default version for all requests but can be specifically selected.
Mustangserver 1.5.0
Today, November 20th, 2024, we released Mustangserver 1.5.0, which is based on Mustang 2.15.0 and brings support for ZUGFeRD 2.3.2, with a corrected XML to PDF/A output, removal of uneccessary null values, more and improved UBL reading, validation of UBL credit notes, and support for validation warnings, not only errors and notices.
The new version can be manually selected but will only become the new default version in the next planned server maintenance on 14 December, which also shut down all 1.3.x instances.
Mustangserver 1.5.0 comes with an additional node, and now also supports an optional endpoint for the Valitool ZUGFeRD validator. And we do celebrate Mustangserver’s new homepage with this release.
Today, November 18th, 2024, we released version 2.15.0 of our open source e-invoice toolkit “Mustangproject”.
This release fixes some errors and supports Factur-X/ZUGFeRD 2.3.2 (#531),
it uses its UBL compatible InvoiceImporter as basis for the ZUGFeRDimporter
convenience methods (#435), additionally fixes a PDF/A validation issue #538,
converts UBL and CII to validated PDF/A #523, now also supports validation
warnings #532, also validates UBL credit notes #555 and more.
As usual the java library can be obtained from Maven Central(use <classifier>shaded</classifier>) and the command line utility including validator can be downloaded from the command line page.
Today, October 14th, 2024, version 2.14.2 of the Open Source e-invoicing toolkit Mustangproject was released without any new features but fixing
- also parse BICs in InvoiceImporter not only IBANs
- #509 CLI currently does not write a logfile
- #505 crash after invoking ZUGFeRD2PullProvider
- #506 Fix POM missing dependencies
Where to get community support?
If you are looking for community support for ZUGFeRD or XRechnung, apart from the obvious Stackoverflow you e.g. might
- The ZUGFeRD Community Forum
- the There is english Google group
- or, for quick questions, a chat, i.e. the [#facturx] Room in Matrix
Industry association-wise in Germany there is not only the Forum elektronische Rechnung Deutschland for ZUGFeRD but also the Verband elektronische Rechnung.
The ZUGFeRD Entwicklertage (i.e. the ZUGFeRD Community) takes place usually annually in Bielefeld, often there is a annual FeRD-Konferenz, the E-Rechnungsgipfel and the international Exchange Summit happen more frequently.
Mustangserver 1.4.2
On Monday, 7 October 2024 we published Mustangserver 1.4.2 which upgraded to Mustangproject 2.14.1 and thus corrected an issue that UBL could not be converted to PDF.